About Us

What is FARO?

far•o fâr′ō - Derived from the Greek word Pharos, faro means beacon or light...like a lighthouse.

Considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Pharos of Alexandria was the first known lighthouse built in history. Legend has it that the people of Pharos were wreckers and would rejoice when ships would wreck during the night. As a result, Ptolemy I Soter constructed the world's tallest man-made structure that would guide vessels safely into harbor using a furnace to produce a light at the top. Little did we know that this structure would later serve as a symbol of trust for centuries to come.

At Faro Threads, our purpose stems from these origins. We all have a light that burns inside of us... guiding us to our true happiness, our true peace of mind. We take this seriously at Faro. We believe that our products can elicit and encourage you to unlock this happiness and peace of mind. We may be new to the apparel world, but our guiding principle has been around for centuries.

Feel Good, Look Good

At Faro, we let that light shine brighter than ever, not only allowing ourselves to follow our guiding light, but also invite others to follow theirs.  We believe that in order to Look Good, you must Feel Good first.  Feeling good starts within our mind and body.  Looking Good…well, let’s just say we’ve got you covered!

Faro designs and builds all of our products with the idea that simple comfort works best. Our goal is to produce the highest quality threads that not only are incredibly comfortable, but also looks good too.

Get to Know Us


CEO and Founder of Faro Threads